About the Calculations:
The results provided by the child support calculator are estimates which are constructed around the pertinent information you provide. The amount of child support a court will order for any particular case may be different from the amount estimated by this calculator. Essentially these calculators assume that all of the children will primarily live with one parent. It is not intended to estimate situations where there is joint physical custody or split custody. Other factors may affect a child support order entered by a court. The intent of this calculator is informational. It does not constitute legal advice. This child support calculator is based on statutory guidelines. It does not take into consideration extraordinary expenses and other items such as OT and bonuses, and tax deduction for the self employed. The court has the final authority to determine the amount of child support awarded. This number is only an estimate and is not a guarantee of the amount of child support that will be awarded. Other factors may affect the amount of child support awarded. Please see an attorney in your area for more detailed information.
To correctly calculate Florida Child Support anywhere in Florida you and your child support lawyer need to know the following information: a) The number of children being considered for child support. b) Where will the child(ren) reside most of the time. c) The "Net" Monthly income for each Parent (line 27 of the Financial Affidavit). d) Childcare Costs paid by each Parent (usually just your "daycare" amount, after school care and babysitting, if necessary on account of employment, job search or education calculated to result in employment or to enhance income or current employment. That could include summer camp) (take annual amount spent and divide by 12) ("Day Care" expense in section C of the financial affidavit). e) Health Insurance payments made by each parent ("child(ren)'s medical/dental in Section D of the financial affidavits). f) Non-covered (NO INSURANCE) medical costs of each parent (medical/dental line of Section E of financial affidavits plus uninsured prescription expense).